

Budgies are cheerful hardy companions which respond well to training and there are a variety of breeds available. 

However an aviary is expensive to buy or build and needs regular cleaning, which is a big commitment.

A budgie needs

  •  To be housed with enough space to fly
  • An aviary safe from predators (other animals which might harm the budgie) with sleeping areas and giving protection from cold, draughts and heat
  • Wooden perches for sleeping on, placed at the same level
  • Branches or other things put in the aviary to create an interesting place to live in
  • Companionship (to be with other budgies)
  • Budgie seed and regular treats such as lettuce, carrots and apples
  • Sand or sanded sheets on the floor: Grit to help with digestion
  • A cuttlefish bone
  • Fresh drinking water always at hand
  • Water for bathing
  • To be away from draughts and direct sunlight
  • Toys to play with and human contact
  • Daily exercise
  • Regular cleaning of living areas
  • To be looked after at holiday times
  • Your time and interest for the rest of its life

Fact Sheet

5-10 years

Sexually mature
3-4 months

Budgies should not be allowed to breed under the age of 10 months as they are too immature for the strain of rearing young

In season (When female budgie is fertile and can be made pregnant)
Early spring to autumn

(Length of pregnancy)
Chicks hatch at intervals after 18 days incubation (keeping the eggs warm)

Budgies can be trained to land on the index finger. When being held, one hand is placed over the birds back. The tail should be along the inside of the wrist and head should never rest between first and second fingers. The thumb and other fingers restrain the wings

In the wild, budgies live in large groups called flocks. When kept in captivity (in cages), they should always have the companionship of other budgies


Scaly face
A grey crust which spreads around the beak and other parts of the face. Can be treated with a medicine - a germicide supplied by a veterinary surgeon

Overgrown beak
Normally kept in trim by pecking at a cuttlefish bone. An over grown beak should be trimmed by a vet

Overgrown claws
Should be clipped by a vet. Perches with a natural rough surface lessen the problem

Cold, bronchitis, pneumonia
Advanced signs include bird huddled on its perch, wheezing, gasping for breath. Keep warm and seek advice from a vet

Feather plucking
This often indicates boredom. Introducing toys and another budgie makes life more interesting

Remember if your pet is showing unusual symptoms bring it to your local vet