FREE Weight Clinic for Pets

Weight Clinic for Dogs & Cats

  •  SIMPLY CONTACT US to book in for Weight Clinic today to get your dog or cat on the right paw! It's FREE!

How do I know if my pet is overweight?

A quick and easy check to see if your pet is overweight is to feel its ribs with your hand. If you can only feel the ribs with difficulty, weight loss is probably needed. Using Hill's online tool, find out if your pet is overweight:

Why is weight loss important?

Overweight pets live shorter, less active, less healthy lives. Carrying extra weight puts extra burden on limbs, joints and the heart and can make a lot of existing problems much worse.

Recently, we at Cara Veterinary Group have experienced an increase in the number of animals who have developed conditions such as diabetes, arthritis, heart disease and/or joint problems which can be attributed to weight gain.

In an effort to be proactive about this issue, we are offering our clients this complimentary service.

We are here to help!

To assist you in dieting your pet to his or her correct weight, and then keeping them there, Cara Veterinary Group provide a FREE Weight Clinic for Pets throughout the week. These clinics are run by our Veterinary Nurses and are free of charge.

The objectives of these clinics are to:

  • Help clients with overweight pets to set realistic weight loss targets;
  • Provide professional advice on how this can be achieved; and
  • Provide advice on slightly overweight pets before this situation worsens.

What is included?

1st Weight Consultation

  • Veterinary advice on diet and exercise regime
  • Weight loss pack included
  • Access to Online Support
  • Access to discount vouchers

Ongoing Consultations

  • Regular weight checks (every 3weeks) to track his/her progress

How do pets become overweight?

Pets nearly always become overweight from eating more food than they need, often coupled with a lack of exercise. The calories that are not used for daily activities are then stored as fat.

Feeding the odd leftovers, frequent snacks or treats, often contributes to excess weight problems. Remember: a small snack for a person equates to a large number of calories for a pet. Feeding treats may also encourage your pet to beg at the table and pets are often very skilled at teaching their owners to feed them treats.

Dieting is equally as hard for pets as it is for people and sometimes a little extra help is required.

How do I sign my pet up for these Clinics:

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