Grooming your Senior Dog

We have put together these tips to help you with grooming your senior dog. Because senior dogs may have a more difficult time grooming themselves, they need your help.

Here are a few tips to keep in mind:

  • Open wide. Periodontal disease is very common in older dogs. If ignored, it can become serious – even life-threatening – as bacteria from the mouth get into his bloodstream. Brush your dog’s teeth regularly with a dog toothbrush and paste. Check their teeth and gums carefully for signs of disease, tartar or decay, and schedule a professional checkup and cleaning if necessary.
  • Take care of their coat. With age a dog’s coat may dull and their skin may become dry. Brushing improves the circulation to the skin and helps stimulate the production of natural oils to keep the coat shiny. We may recommend a special shampoo for dry skin.
  • Check from nose to tail. While grooming your dog, check for abnormalities such as hair loss, wounds, evidence of parasites or any unusual lumps or bumps.
  • Trim nails regularly. Because senior dogs don’t exercise as much as younger ones, their nails don’t get worn down as much by activity. Clip gently – an old dog’s nails are often brittle.