Cruciate Ligament Rupture in Dogs

Here you find all information about Cruciate Ligament Rupture in Dogs.

A Cruciate Ligament Rupture in a Dog is also called a Canine Cruciate Ligament Rupture. It is a common injury of the dog knee. Most affected is the cranial cruciate ligament, because the cranial cruciate ligament is heavily used in the life of a dog. When the cranial cruciate ligament is ruptured a dog usually suffers from symptoms like hobbling, limping and lameness.

Cruciate Ligament Rupture Dog: Information

The canine cruciate ligament rupture is an orthopaedic issue. Bigger dogs statistically are more affected than smaller dogs. Cruciate ligament ruptures in dogs may come from overstressing or accidents. Most cruciate ligament problems develop in a slow way. It begins with small fissures in the cruciate ligament. These micro fissures weaken the cruciate ligament of the dog. At a later stage the cruciate ligament stretches which results in an instability of the dog knee. The dog knee cannot hold its position anymore. In the following time the dog knee moves in a quite uncontrolled manner which causes additional stress for the cruciate ligament. These forces finally result in a cruciate ligament rupture.

But a canine cruciate ligament rupture can be treated - as you can see in this video:

Cruciate Ligament Rupture Dog: High-risk group

Bigger dogs statistically are more affected than smaller dogs. And also heavy dogs suffer more often from a cruciate ligament rupture than dogs of a lighter weight. Also older dogs are more affected than younger dogs. A further risk factor is the body fitness of the dog: non-active and overweighted dogs have a higher risk of a cruciate ligament rupture than active and normal weighted dogs. Also arthritis in all its different characteristics can bring a risk.

Cruciate Ligament Rupture Dog: Symptoms

The most common symptom of a cruciate ligament rupture is lameness of the dog. This can be combined with limping or hobbling of the dog. The symptoms are likely to be more severe when standing up from lying on the floor or directly after waking up. Your dog can also avoid to load the affected knee and tries to use the other leg in place of it. In general the dog is unwillingly moving and prefers a relieving posture.

In this video you can see what is actually going on in your dog, and how it can be relieved with TTA Rapid:

Cruciate Ligament Rupture Dog: Diagnosis

If you suspect your dog having a canine cruciate ligament rupture, you should consult a veterinarian in any case. A not treated canine cruciate ligament rupture is not only painful but brings also the risk of consequential troubles like arthrosis.

Your veterinarian will examine your dog and make a diagnosis.

Cruciate Ligament Rupture Dog: Therapy

A canine cruciate ligament rupture can be treated either by conservative methods or by surgery. Your veterinarian will decide which method is the best for your dog.

If your veterinarian should decide for surgery then TTA RAPID is state of the art.

Our experienced Principal Vet, Sydney Nagle will see clients on a first opinion or a referral basis. 

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  • Please note this is a surgical procedure, therefore it is not available to book online. If you wish to book in a surgical procedure, please call the practice directly on 01 885 3253 so that we can give you all the necessary information.
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