DAP Plug in Diffuser (Dog Appeasing Pheromone)

The DAP Plug-in can be very effective in many areas of dog behaviour therapy by making it feel less anxious, calmer and safer. These include destructiveness, vocalisation and house soiling brought on by stress, nervousness or anxiousness.

D.A.P. (Dog Appeasing Pheromone) - to help dogs overcome fears and stress.
Please note: for the best effect the plug-in ought to be replaced every 6 months.

Plugs in to an electric socket, which then provides the dogs environment with the canine appeasing phermone over a four week period.

What causes dogs to bark excessively, whine and tear up the house when left alone?
Dogs are social animals and can act out destructive behaviours due to separation anxiety. Dogs that suffer from separation anxiety exhibit undesirable behaviours associated with stress, fear and anxiety, such as restlessness, excessive whining and barking, and adult destructive chewing and house soiling.

What types of situations can cause a dog stress?
Separation Anxiety: physical separation from the owner/pet guardian to whom it is attached.
New People/Things: moving or major changes in the household, remodeling or redecorating, new pieces of furniture.

Fear/Phobias: thunderstorms, lightening, fireworks.

Temporary changes: being transported, hospitalised or boarded.

What is D.A.P.?
Developed for pet owners by veterinarians, D.A.P.™ (Dog Appeasing Pheromone) mimics the properties of the natural pheromones of the lactating female. Within three to five days after giving birth, the female generates pheromones that give their puppies a sense of well-being and reassurance, known as appeasing pheromones.

How can D.A.P. calm dogs in stressful situations?
Pheromones are picked up and detected by an animal`s sense of smell producing specific responses. By replicating this signal of comfort, D.A.P.™ helps alleviate fear and stress related signs in the puppy and adult dog.

How long should D.A.P. be used?
To address behaviour caused by temporary events, plug the diffuser in for 30 days. Each vial attached to a diffuser lasts approximately four weeks. Repeat as necessary.

How well does D.A.P. work?
In clinical trials with D.A.P.™, destructive behaviour and vocalisation (excessive barking and whining) were improved or resolved by 72 percent and 85 percent respectively. (Clinical trials were conducted by Ceva Sante Animale between November 1999 and November 2000, and were under the specific direction of Dr. Patrick Pageat.)

Does D.A.P. have any effect on cats?
D.A.P. is a chemical copy of the canine appeasing pheromones in lactating females. The pheromones are species-specific and should not have any effect on cats. The product has not been tested on cats.

What does it smell like?
D.A.P. has no smell and is odourless to humans when dry.

Is it a sedative?
No, D.A.P. is a solution that helps calm and reassure puppies and adult dogs.

Should any precautions be taken with pets and children?
Proper product use will not harm children, adults or pets. Plug diffusers into electric sockets in an open area most frequented by the dog. Do not place behind furniture.

How is D.A.P. used?

D.A.P.™ is an easy-to-use "plug-in" diffuser that consists of an electrical plug-in unit and disposable (30-day) bottle that will deliver the pheromone 24 hours a day. It continuously releases the active ingredient into the dog`s environment and allows trouble-free treatment in a 650-square-foot area for approximately four weeks.

A DAP Plug-In Refill is available. Click here for more info. 

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